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LWV Member Portal

Resources for Local League Treasurers

ClubExpress Funds Connector Timing Chart
(from Workshop)
Funds Connector -Timing Chart

Treasurer Responsibilities

Regulatory Responsibilities (pdf)
A summary of the regulatory requirements for the treasurer

990N - How to file an 990N ePostcard (pdf)
All local leagues must file an annual 990N ePostcard with the IRS by 5 months and 15 days after the end of their fiscal year to maintain their non-profit status (e.g. if FY ends June 30, it must be filed by Nov 15)  IRS 990N ePostcard Filing Site

Record Retention Guidelines
Suggestions on how long to maintain records for your league.

Do I need to collect sales tax? 
Most of the activities of the local league qualify for exemption from Indiana Sale Tax.  Read the attached summary to be sure.

PMP - What are the current state and national PMP (Per Member Payments) (pdf)

Is it Advocacy or is it Lobbying? (pdf)
A white paper from the LWVUS provides guidance

Treasurer's Report - Example (pdf)
An example of a treasurer's report in Excel format

Workshop - Treasurer's Role and ClubExpress
Slides from the Zoom Workshop on September 15, 2020
LWVUS Transformation Roadmap

ChapterSpot Resources
LWVUS resource page for Transformation

Powerpoint Slides from December 11, 2024, Zoom 
View the slides from the statewide zoom discussing the latest information about the Transformation.  Includes information about setting up Stripe account and more.  Also, you may view the video

(Download editable powerpoint - to just view, use link above)

Local League Transition Checklist
Read this helpful checklist developed by the LWV ClubExpress Steering Committee and LWV Cupertino-Sunnyvale (August 2024)

Budget Guidance during the Transition
This document from LWVUS has guidance to local leagues on how to budget during the transition to the new membership model (Jan 2024)

Bylaws Revision Suggestions
View the suggested changes recommended by LWVUS to local league bylaws for the new membership model (Feb 2024)

Suggested Bylaws Template
View a sample bylaws template on the national website that contains the suggested membership language.

Membership Change Communication Powerpoint (pdf)
View or download a powerpoint prepared by LWVUS for communication with members.  
(Download editable powerpoint file)

Suggested Communication to Local League Members (example)
This document is shared by permission from LWV South Bend Area and addresses the information in a concise and sharable format.

LWVUS - ClubExpress Presentation
View slides from the combined LWVUS and ClubExpress presentation about the Transformation Roadmap (October 26, 2023)



Application Form ( downloadable Excel format) (View PDF)

Final Report Form 
(downloadable WORD format)  (View PDF)

Education Fund

Deposit Form
 (downloadable Excel format) (View PDF)

Education Fund and the Local Leagues  (pdf)
Detailed information about the use of the Education Fund

PMP - Transfer EdFunds for partial payment of PMP  
EdFund to PMP request form 
(downloadable Excel format)  (View PDF)

LWVIN Business Expenses

Expense Report for LWVIN business  
Expense Report 
(downloadable Excel format)  (View PDF)