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Coalitions and Partnerships

The League of Women Voters of Indiana forms partnerships with other nonprofits to utilize resources and advocate for our positions. The list below includes our active coalition partners.

All IN for Democracy

A coalition to support redistricting and Fair Maps

Equal Rights Amendment Coalition
The coalitions goal is to amend the Constitution to ensure that one cannot be discriminated against because of one’s sex. The ERA Coalition is comprised of more than 280 national and local partner and supporter organizations across the country representing millions of advocates working for the equality of all. The coalition strategize with states seeking ratification. They work with legislators on the amendment and other ERA bills. They provide groundbreaking research. Their team of legal scholars has examined the next steps to a fully realized Equal Rights Amendment.

Health Access & Privacy Advocates (HAPA)

HAPA is a coalition of civic, educational, religious, professional, and health organizations from all over the state working together to improve access to healthcare and protect reproductive choice in Indiana.

Hoosiers for Community Solar

HCS working to enable independent community solar as a tool to make the benefits of renewable energy accessible to all Hoosiers. It’s clear that local clean energy is our future, but it needs to be the future for every day Hoosiers—not just big companies and utilities. 

Hoosier Environmental Council

The HEC aims to set a new path for Indiana, where the people of our state embrace practices and policies that dramatically reduce the footprint of industry, commerce and agriculture on the environment. Following this path, Indiana will ascend to new heights in our public health, economic well-being, and in our preservation of nature for generations to come.

Indiana Coalition for Human Services (ICHS)

The Indiana Coalition for Human Services (ICHS) is committed to enhancing the quality of life for all Hoosiers. ICHS is a nonpartisan coalition, of over 25 organizations, that educates decision makers and the community on fact-based human service policy which emphasizes quality outcomes for Hoosiers, and ultimately the State of Indiana. We invest in, protect and advocate for children, people with disabilities, senior citizens and hard-working families who are trying to make a better life for themselves.

Indiana Coalition for Public Education (ICPE)

The Indiana Coalition for Public Education is a bipartisan non-profit dedicated to preserving and improving public education for all Indiana students. We believe all Indiana children deserve an equitable, fully-funded education system under local control of parents and citizens. To realize this future, we advocate at the statehouse, inform voters about issues affecting schools, and empower Indiana citizens to advance the public schools in their communities.



Indiana Civics Coalition – Indiana Bar Foundation
The Indiana Civics Coalition is dedicated to improving Indiana’s civic knowledge, skills, and attitudes through the means of education, advocacy, and state initiatives.

Indiana Conservation Alliance (INCA)

INCA represents over 25 organizations dedicated to permanent public funding for land, water and wildlife conservation in Indiana. We support increased funding to protect our state’s natural resources. Everyone benefits from cleaner water and more public land, places for families to hunt, fish, and enjoy other outdoor activities.

Indiana Debate Commission
The Indiana Debate Commission is a non-partisan, statewide group of affiliate organizations dedicated to promoting debates at the state level. The Commission works with candidates, sponsors, venues, media and citizen groups to promote open, unbiased and transparent debates for Hoosier voters.

Indiana Vote By Mail
Indiana Vote by Mail is a non-partisan organization dedicated to making sure all Hoosiers are represented equally during the voting process. We work every day to ensure that all ballot options are available to voters in our state. We advocate for safe and secure elections through vote by mail. We believe that voting by mail can protect the integrity of our electoral process by providing a paper trail in every Indiana election. We see bipartisan success in other states and advocate for voting securely by mail.

Lake Michigan League of Women Voters

The Lake Michigan League of Women Voters is an Inter-League Organization made up of the local Leagues of Women Voters within the Lake Michigan watershed and/or regional planning areas. It is an integral part of and operates under the Natural Resources position of the League of Women Voters of the United States.