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Newsletter - February 16, 2023

LWVIN | Published on 2/16/2023


NEW DATE: Wednesday, March 22, 9:30am - 3pm ET

All previous reservations will remain valid; there is no need to re-register although new reservations are welcomeClick HERE to make a new reservation.

Or to transfer your reservation to another person email with the subject Substitution for League Day.

Schedule meetings with your legislators. State board members will be in the Library and at the State House all day.

Join us for a lunch gathering in the State Library at 11:30 am ET. Issue advocates from partner organizations will be available at topic lunch tables.


·Natural Resources(Indra Frankfrom Hoosier Environmental Council)
·Education(Joel Hand, Indiana Coalition for Public Education)
·Voting Rights(Julia Vaughn, Common Cause Indiana)
·Women's Health & Reproductive Rights(LaKimba DeSadierof Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates)
·Human services/housing(Andrew Bradley, Prosperity Indiana and Indiana Coalition for Human Services).

Registration is $20 and includes abox lunch from IndyFresh. We have 65 reservations!

Keep them coming!

We will also be celebrating the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment on March 22, 1972!


There is metered parking on the streets surrounding the library (Senate and Ohio.).

The Indiana History Center parking lotis available for a fee ($5 for first hour; then $2 per hour).The entrance is on New York Street. It is a five minute walk from the State Library.

The Indiana State parking garage is sometimes available for public parking for a fee. The entrance is on Senate Avenue.


If you’re planning debates or forums leading up to the primaries in May, you may want to look at the 2022 Secretary of State debate recording: And check out the Debate/candidate forum workshop on our LWVIN website under Videos.


VOTE411—Remember that the State League has paid the fees for every Local League to participate, and perhaps to reach out to neighboring counties to include candidates there. If you need more information, contact Joanne Evers,


LWVIN Advocacy teams have been keeping their advocacy groups up to date on pending legislation. Following are tastes of those action emails, highlighting bills of current focus. If you wish to be added to the action email list for any or all of the advocacy groups, please respond to the contact for that group or groups!


Bills opposed

HB 1428 School board elections.This bill allows school boards to hold a vote to decide whether future candidates who run for the board must indicate on the ballot the party they represent. Or, the voters of a school district may put a referendum on the ballot to determine if school board candidates must declare a party. Passed House.ALSO of concern to Education advocates.

HB 1116 Various Election Matters.Rep. Tim Wesco. Most of this bill is benign except it includes language that punishes a person who is convicted of a vote fraud felony to be deprived of the right to vote for a period of 10 years following the date of conviction. Passed House.

HB 1334 Absentee voting.Rep. Timothy Wesco. Requires theapplicant to record the last 4 digits of the SS or Driver’s License # on the absentee ballot application. Restricts those who can vote by absentee ballot. Requires under penalty of law that the applicant swears he/she is unavailable to vote early in person or on election day.Amended and passed House Elections Committee on party lines 2/15.

Email Patrice Waidner to be added to the mailing list.


A state school board /Gallup survey found 88% of parents out of over 3000 surveyed to be satisfied with their public school, and only 2% to know and disagree with what is being taught. An overwhelming number of parents are satisfied with their public school. Proposed legislation doesn’t reflect that reality!

Bills opposed(in addition to HB 1428 above)

SB 386 Dignity and nondiscrimination in education.The title of this bill falsely projects thatthe bill's intent is to protect from discrimination and to stand up for dignity; in reality, this bill does just the opposite. SB 386 restricts teaching materials and instruction that promote certain concepts regarding age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, mental or physical disability, religion, or national origin. It prohibits diversity training. This bill is motivated by disinformation regarding CRT, grooming, and pornography in schools.

SB 486 Education matters.A section of SB 486 eliminates what teacher unions and school corporations must discuss during collective bargaining.… A single word, switching “shall” to “may,”removes the obligation for Superintendents to discussstudent discipline, teacher-student ratio and class sizewith a teacher union. This bill exemplifies the disrespect and lack of regard that pushes many teachers to leave and few to join the profession.

Email Nan Polk at to be added to the mailing list.


Bills to Support

HB 1224, HB 1568, SB 153, SB206 Pharmacist Prescribed Birth Control.These bills would allow pharmacists who meet certain requirements to prescribe and dispense hormonal birth contraceptive patches and oral hormonal contraceptives – and would also require health plans to cover the cost. This would expand access to contraceptives, especially to women in low-income and rural communities.HB 1568 got a unanimous vote in the Public Health Committee on February 14. However, there was a worrisome amendment that you can read about HERE.

SB 252Long-acting reversible contraceptives. Allows a long-acting reversible contraceptive that is prescribed to and obtained for a Medicaid recipient to be transferred to another Medicaid recipient. Current law ties the devices to their assigned Medicaid recipients even if those people change their minds or just don’t show up to the follow-up appointment.Passed in the Senate by 49-0 on February 7. Negele is the House sponsor.

SB 266 Long-acting reversible contraceptives.Requires a hospital that operates a maternity unit to ensure that a woman giving birth in the hospital has the option of having a long-acting reversible subdermal contraceptive implanted after delivery and before the woman is discharged.On February 8 the Health and Provider Services Committee passed this by a vote of 8-4.

Email us at to get on our mailing list.



Climate Solutions Task Force(SB 335) – What a great idea, but it wasn’t even given a hearing last year. The energetic, persistent, and savvy Confront the Climate Crisis (CTCC) statewide high school group brought supportive organizations, including LWVIN, together at their Statehouse rally on Feb. 1st. Largely because of CTCC’s work, the Senate Environmental Affairs Committee is reported to be hearing SB 335 next Monday (Feb. 20th).

Passage of this bill would start consideration of Indiana establishing and funding a statewide climate action plan as well as study of • forest and wetland preservation • adapting farming practices to climate change • helping schools and local governments use renewables • pursuing best practices for building construction • expanding mass transit • helping Hoosier workers and businesses adapt to climate-driven changes in the energy industry. Stay tuned!

EmailKristina Lindborg to be added to our mailing list.


The 2023 LWVIN State Convention will be held the weekend of June 9th at the beautiful Clifty Falls State Park.You can get more information and register for the conference and for a room at deadline for room reservations in our block of rooms is May 9.

To help with costs to the local leagues, the State board has authorized the issuing of a coupon to each leagueworth $100 towards a 2023 Convention registration.The coupon will be sent to each local league soon but, please remember, it can only be used once.To use it, just enter the coupon code on the payment page when completing the registration.

Click HERE to register for this event.


Profiles of lesser-known heroines in the fight for women’s rights


On Jan. 13, 1850, New York City couple Charles Bennett Ray and Charlotte Augusta Burroughs Ray welcomed a daughter, Charlotte E. Ray. Young Charlotte was one of seven children, though only four would live to adulthood. She was the youngest of the three surviving daughters.

The Rays had a politically active and industrious marriageFather Charles pastored at Bethesda Congregational Church after a long career with abolitionist newspapers. He’d been the first African American student at Wesleyan University in Connecticut until white protests and harassment drove him out in 1833. He and his first wife, who died after just two years of marriage in 1836, had been active “conductors” of the Underground Railroad, helping enslaved people out of bondage. Mother Charlotte was a pastor herself, as well as a dedicated suffragist and abolitionist. She served as editor of The Colored American, an anti-slavery newspaper, and worked with the American Equal Rights Association. Dani Williams-Jones writes for Alexander Street, “As a Black woman, Ray knew first hand that Black women suffered all the legal disabilities of white women, yet theirs was a more capricious conundrum which was compounded by their having survived the institution of chattel slavery.”

“In 1872 Charlotte E. Ray became the first Black woman lawyer in the United States and the first woman lawyer in the District of Columbia,” Karen Berger Morello reports in “Women’s Entry into the Legal Profession” published in a 1983 issue of American University Law Review. “The trustees at Howard Law School were stunned watching ‘this colored woman who read us a thesis on corporations, not copied from the books but from her brain, a clear incisive analysis of one of the most delicate legal questions."

(Go HERE to read this entire article on the LWVIN website.)

Kathryn S Gardiner | Published on 2/11/2023