No local league near you? You may be able to join as a state member-at-large (MAL).
Since joining through a local league greatly enhances the opportunities for participation, we strongly encourage that members join through their nearest local league rather than the state.
Note: Membership in a local league includes membership in the state and national leagues.
We currently have member-at-large units* in South Central Indiana (Jeffersonville) and North Central Indiana (Kosciusko County) and anticipate forming more (this is one way local leagues start up). But you can still join at the state level even if you are not near a MAL unit or local league.
(* MAL unit is a group of state members-at-large who live in the same geographic region but are not yet part of a formally recognized local league. Joining a MAL unit helps create the resources necessary to support the formation of a new local league and permits communication of issues of interest in the local area.)